Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Blaire in pre-op when she first arrived. Pretty chipper for 6:30 in the morning.

Blaire in pre-op after she was given medication and prepared to go to surgery.
This is Dr. Judson Karlen as he prepares to begin the surgery. He is the head Surgeon, and Blaire's Doctor. He was assisted by Dr. Gregory White, another Surgeon with Phoenix Children's Hospital.
This is Blaire's first surgery x-ray. Because it was taken as she was laying on the operating table, it appears straighter than it actually is when standing.

These are the rods (the long ones) which will be cut to custom length when needed... the others colored ones are the caps for the screws that hold the rods in the screws. They are different colors for different diameters
These are additional surgical equipment and hardware that they may use. They want all these ready so they can pick the piece that is the perfect size for Blaire.
Dr. Karlen begins the incision with Dr. White looking on.

Posing for a picture!

Dr. Dennis Tong, her Anethesiologist lets everyone know that all is going well.

Dr. Karlen and Dr. White prepare to install the screws. Her spine is now exposed.

These are the different length screws for each color diameter. They used the blue screws on Blaire.

Dr. White is using a bolt cutter to cut the rod to the exact length that Dr. Karlen wants.

This is one of two the rods, after it was cut, that they installed in Blaire's back

This is a picture of Blaire's back with the screws in place.

Here the rod was bent to match the curve of her back so it can be fitted into each of the screws.

First rod is now been installed, and the Doctors are perparing the second one.

These rods are used to straighten Blaire's spine and de-rotate her rib cage.

Here the doctors are using the rods to make all the curvature corrections.
Dr. Karlen views the two x-rays, the one on the left is her back with the screws only. The one on the right is her back after they have made the corrections to the curvature and rotation

This is a close up of the two x-rays. If you look closely at the second one, you can see how straight her spine looks between the rods!

This x-ray shows how flat her rib cage is now. The goal was to de-rotate it so her shoulder-blade no longer protrudes on her right side. It looks so amazing!
When Dr. Karlen is satisfied with all the corrections, he is able to close.

Blaire gives Dr. Tong a little trouble coming out from under the anethesia and breathing on her own, but we are soon able to see her in ICU.

1 comment:

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